
Dear Mr. Darwin (print) 12.2.2E

Jere H. Lipps


Jesús Alvarado-Ortega, Ernesto Ovalles-Damián,
and Alberto Blañco-Pinón

Arne Micheels, Angela Bruch, and Volker Mosbrugger

New Occurrences of Permian Corals from the McCloud Belt in Western North America (print) 12.2.6A

Calvin H. Stevens

Marc E.H. Jones, Neil Curtis, Paul O'Higgins, Mike Fagan,
and Susan E. Evans



No Evidence of Paleocene Dinosaurs in the San Juan Basin (print) 12.2.8A

Spencer G. Lucas, Robert M. Sullivan, Steven M. Cather, Steven E. Jasinski, Denver W. Fowler,  Andrew B. Heckert, Justin A. Spielmann, and Adrian P. Hunt

Response to Critique by Lucas et al. (2009) of Fassett (2009) Paper on Paleocene Dinosaurs of the San Juan Basin (print) 12.2.9A

James E. Fassett


Michael W. Knappertsbusch, Daniel Binggeli, Andreas Herzig, Lukas Schmutz, Sebastian Stapfer, Claude Schneider, Jean Eisenecker, and Lukas Widmer

Dmitry V. Malakhov, Gareth J. Dyke, and Christopher King

Mechanical Digitizing for Paleontology - New and Improved Techniques (print) 12.2.4T

Heinrich Mallison, Alexander Hohloch, and Hans-Ulrich Pfretzschner

Antoine Bercovici, Alan Hadley, and Uxue Villanueva-Amadoz

PE Notes

Within each article are links in the contents column to material that may be of further use to specific readers. There is a plain-language summary and there are multiple versions of the abstract in English, Français, Español, Deutsche, Arabic, and Polski. PDF versions of the articles are available (click on "print" beside the title) or from the contents column within the individual articles.

ISSN: 1094-8074, web version; 1532-3056, CD-ROM; 1935-3952, print.

Copyright: Coquina Press
Volume 12, Issue 2
August 2009


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